Committed to telling the story of Louisiana during the war and the part taken by her sons 

Our Museum is open from Wednesday thru Saturday from 10:00 AM until 3:00 PM.   We are closed for all National Holidays.and close from Thanksgiving through the end of the year. 

The grounds at Camp Moore are open 7 days a week from daylight to dusk for pedestrians.  You are welcome to walk the grounds and take our self-guided walking tour.  Please respect the grounds and leave them in the same condition you found them.
Registration Form
Join us on Facebook
Camp Moore Vertical Files
Drawer 1

Biography - Akin, W. S.
Biography - Alexander, G. L.
Biography – Alford, L. R.
Biography – Alford, Thomas Marshall
Biography - Allain, Alex P.
Biography - Allen, Henry W.
Biography - Amacker, O. P.
Biography - Anglin, John
Biography – Ard, Jr., John F.
Biography - Ardoin, Hypolite
Biography - Armstrong, John
Biography - Arnold, Abney E.
Biography - Ashmore, Wm. B.
Biography - Avegno, Anatole P.
Biography - Baker, A. H.
Biography - Ball, Col. Edward
Biography - Ball, Ervin M.
Biography – Bankston, Francis Marion
Biography - Barbay, Louis Omer
Biography - Barbee, Raphael
Biography – Barrow, Cordelius
Biography - Bateman, Jason
Biography - Beachbard, E
Biography - Beard, C. A.
Biography – Beauregard, PGT
Biography - Benjamin, Judah
Biography - Bergeron, Augustin
Biography - Bergeron, Octavius
Biography - Berry, John G.
Biography - Bertoniere, A. 
Biography - Bickham, Wm. L.
Biography - Biggers, Calvin
Biography - Bilheust, Henry
Biography - Bizette, Leo
Biography - Bizette, Ovide
Biography – Blincoe, James D.
Biography - Blue, Daniel
Biography - Bonaventure, Octave
Biography - Bonaventure, Paul
Biography - Bonin, Louis
Biography – Booth, William S.
Biography - Bordelon, Hebert
Biography – Bouanchaud,  Alcide
Biography - Boudreaux, Deservain
Biography - Boudreaux, Louis
Biography - Bourgeois, Adam
Biography - Bourgeois, Francis
Biography - Bovard, John K.
Biography - Boyd, W. E.
Biography - Bradfield, John D.
Biography - Breau, Thomas
Biography - Breckinridge, John C.
Biography - Breeden, Robert R.
Biography - Bridges, John R.
Biography - Brigham, Charles P.
Biography - Brigham, Thomas G.
Biography - Brister, Edward L.
Biography - Britt, John C.
Biography - Brooks, Eri M.
Biography - Brooks, J. F.
Biography - Brooks, Oran D.
Biography - Broussard, Amedee
Biography - Broussard, Jules
Biography - Brown, A.
Biography - Brown, Charles
Biography - Brown, Edward A.
Biography - Brown, Lewis W.
Biography - Brown, T. Winthrop
Biography – W. E.
Biography – Brumfield, Daniel E.
Biography – Brumfield, Meredith C.
Biography - Buckingham, Henry
Biography - Buckner, Jamie P.
Biography - Bueche, Eulalie
Biography - Bueche, Toussaint
Biography - Bueche, Valerien
Biography - Burton, William J.
Biography - Butler, Benjamin
Biography - Butz, Phillip
Biography – Cage, John B.
Biography - Cahanin, Leopold Louis
Biography - Cain, Dempsey 
Biography - Caire, J. M.
Biography - Caldwell, Thomas J.
Biography - Calhoun, John C.
Biography - Cammack, Albert
Biography – Campbell, David McKay
Biography - Campbell, F. L.
Biography - Campbell, S. W.
Biography – Cannon, Ambrose
Biography – Cannon, Joseph Andrew
Biography - Carlin, J. E.
Biography - Carriker, Sidney S.
Biography - Casey, Powell A.
Biography – Chambers, Howell H.
Biography - Childress, Hugh
Biography - Cockrell, William S.
Biography - Colcock, Daniel D.
Biography - Cole, Silas E.
Biography - Coleson, James M.
Biography - Connors, Andrew  
Biography - Contini, Oscar
Biography - Cooper, J. V.
Biography - Cormier, Louis
Biography - Cothran, John W.
Biography - Craig, Dr. Joseph M.
Biography - Craigue, Nelson F.
Biography - Crandall, Lee
Biography - Crawford, James W.
Biography - Crawford, William P.

CAUTION Many of the files contained at Camp Moore are NOT original to Camp Moore.  Many have been donated over the years.  Only two of our letters are originals .  All listed here are transcriptions.  Many were here when we got here and many are copies from other institutions.  Many of the Biography files are copies of Pension records and Compiled Service Records.  Various people have also donated pictures of their ancestors over the years.  Where possible, we have tried to cite the correct owner of the material but it is the responsibility of the user to properly document sources and seek necessary permissions.  We apologize that we cannot do research for you. We simply do not have the manpower.   Thank you.
Drawer 2

Biography - Dabadie, Ovide
Biography - Davenport, C. C.
Biography - David, Evariste
Biography - David, Gilbert
Biography - David, Gustave
Biography - David, Julien
Biography - David, Louis
Biography - David, Paulin
Biography - David, Troville
Biography - David, Villeneuve
Biography - Davis, C. Green
Biography - Davis, Jefferson
Biography - Dea, John S.
Biography - Dear, James Martin
Biography - DeBlanc, Alcibiades
Biography - Decuir, Francois
Biography - Decuir, Neville
Biography - Deen, R. M.
Biography - Delahunt, Augustin
Biography – Denson, M. T.
Biography - Diamond, J. A.
Biography - Dixon, William Y.
Biography - Dorman, Henry
Biography – Dreux, Charles
Biography – Dubreey, Laurent
Biography - Duchamp, Charles
Biography - Ducote, Valerien
Biography - Duff, John R.
Biography – Duhe, James
Biography - Duhurst, George W.
Biography - Dunn, David Wm.
Biography – Dupuy, C. Theo.
Biography – Dutart, John D.
Biography – Duty, Marion Jasper
Biography - Duvall, William
Biography – Easterling, George W
Biography – Eckholdt, August
Biography – Edgins, George Jeff
Biography – Elder, Frank J.
Biography – Elkins, J. G.
Biography – Elliot, Adolph
Biography - Ellis, Stephen D.
Biography - Ellison, Francis Marion
Biography - Ensminger, A.
Biography - Evans, H. F.
Biography - Eyrich, Robert
Biography - Fabre, Derneville
Biography - Faulk, Houghton
Biography – Felder, Wyatt W.
Biography - Ferrand, Horace
Biography - Flores, Hosea
Biography - Fluker, Ben K.
Biography - Fluker, Robert
Biography - Fonda, John G.
Biography - Fontenot, Adolphe B.
Biography - Fontenot, Viale
Biography - Forno, Henry
Biography - Forrest, George D.
Biography - Fort, J. B.
Biography - Fredericks, Charles
Biography - Fremaux, Leon
Biography – Fridge, John D.
Biography - Frost, Richmond A.
Biography - Fuller, Jeff T.
Biography - Fuselier, A. L.
Biography - Gallagher, George F.
Biography - Galvin, Bartholomew
Biography - Gandy, Dr. E.
Biography - Garner, James F.
Biography - Garrett, John H.
Biography - Gates, Morgan
Biography – Gatlin, C. A.
Biography - Gentil, Dominique
Biography - Gentry, Allen
Biography - Gibson, Drury P.
Biography - Gibson, Randall Lee
Biography - Girard, William
Biography - Gleason, Isaac
Biography - Going, Amasa V.
Biography - Goldman, George Carneal
Biography - Goodman, John M.
Biography - Gordon, John B.
Biography – Graham, James M.
Biography - Graham, William
Biography - Gremillion, Armand
Biography - Gremillion, Arnaud
Biography - Gremillion, Jean Paul
Biography - Grimer, Michel
Biography - Gros, Omer
Biography - Guice, Moses A.
Biography - Guice, Newton Z.
Biography - Guice, William
Biography - Guidroz, Francois
Biography - Guidroz, Jules
Biography - Guidry, Jean Baptiste
Biography - Guillaume, Jean Baptiste
Biography - Guillaume, Jules
Biography - Guillaume, Paul
Biography - Gusman, Antoine
Biography - Hadley, David M.
Biography - Hall, Charles B.
Biography - Hall, Isaac
Biography - Hall, John E.
Biography – Hamm, Frederick A.
Biography - Harney, Frank M.
Biography - Harp, D.C & Thomas
Biography - Harper, W. F.
Biography - Harrell, W. C.
Biography – Harrington, P. C.
Biography - Harris, Joe G.
Biography – Harrison, Benjamin F.
Biography – Hart, Sidney A.
Biography – Hart, Z. T.
Biography – Hartnett, Casilear
Biography – Harvey, Abram H.
Biography – Harvey, John B.
Biography – Hawkins, Benjamin
Biography - Hayden, Frank
Biography – Hayden, James Terrell
Biography - Hays, Harry T.
Biography - Hebert, Louis
Biography – Henderson, Joseph
Biography - Heriart, Edward
Biography – Hernandez, Douglas H.
Biography – Herndon, T. L.
Biography – Herndon, Thomas C.
Biography – Hess, August
Biography – Hickey, Peter
Biography - Hilburn, David
Biography – Hill, Robert W.
Biography – Hinton, James E.
Biography – Hogan, Benjamin Rush
Biography – Holmes, James H.
Biography – Hopkins, Elizabeth B.
Biography – Hughes, Ealikah
Biography – Hughes, James F.
Biography – Hughes, R. F.
Biography – Hunt, J. F.
Biography - Hunter, Samuel E.
Biography – Isaac, S. M.
Biography – Ivey, W. E.
Biography - Jackson, Thomas Jonathon
Biography – Jacobs, Phillip
Biography - James, Samuel
Biography – Jameyson, James K. P.
Biography – Jarreau, Clement
Biography – Johnson, James
Biography – Johnson, John
Biography – Johnson, Richard J.
Biography - Johnson, William K.
Biography - Johnston, A. S.
Biography - Johnston, Joseph E.
Biography - Jowers, Joshua
Biography – Joyner, Calvin G.
Biography - Keary, Patrick F.
Biography – Keener, G. B.
Biography - Kelly, Henry B.
Biography - Kelly, Lt.
Biography – Kendrick, James H.
Biography – Kennedy, John R.
Biography - Kent, Adolphe
Biography - Kent, James F.
Biography – Ker, John
Biography - Kiefer, Julius M.
Biography - Kimball, Andrew J.
Biography – Kinchen, Preston
Biography - Kursheedt, Edwin
Biography – Lagau, Joseph E.
Biography – Lalande, Anatole
Biography - Lambert, Daniel G.
Biography - Lambert, J. W.
Biography - Lambert, Samuel
Biography – Landry, Alcee
Biography – Landry, Sosthene
Biography - Landry, Trasimond
Biography - Langlinais, Onezime
Biography – Langlois, Jean Baptiste
Biography – Langridge, John E.
Biography - Langworthy, O.P.
Biography - Larose, Augustin
Biography – Lea, William C.
Biography – LeBeau, Pierre Olivier
Biography – LeBlanc, Joseph M.
Biography – LeBlanc, Monroe
Biography - LeBleu, Joseph C.
Biography - LeBoeuf, Elphege
Biography - Ledet, Francois
Biography – Lee, Dr. Peter Marion
Biography - Lee, Robert E. 
Biography - LeFevere, Pierre G.
Biography – Lejeune, Edmond
Biography – Lejeune, Theodule
Biography – Leonard, Jean Baptiste
Biography – Lesage, Andrew
Biography - Lester, German A.
Biography – Levy, Julian S.
Biography – Lewis, Dr. Charles D.
Biography – Lewis, Otis F.
Biography - Lewis, Trevanion Dudley
Biography - Lilley, Edward
Biography – Lindsley, Lewis
Biography - Littlewort, Richard
Biography – Logan, William Y.
Biography – Lyons, Walter R.
Biography – Mailloux, Paul L.
Biography – Major, Alcie
Biography – Major, Francois
Biography – Major, Lucien
Biography – Manion, Simon
Biography – Marks, H. H.
Biography – Marks, Marion H.
Biography – Mars, Theophile
Biography – Marshall, Benjamin
Biography – Marshall, Samuel
Biography – Martin, Nathaniel M.
Biography - Martin, Simeon
Biography - Martin, William H.
Biography – Mashon, George
Biography – Matte, Onezime
Biography – Matherne, Armand
Biography - Matthews, Hugh A.
Biography - Mayer, Simon
Biography – Mays, James A.
Biography – McAdams, Isaac F.
Biography – McCarty, Joel
Biography - McIntyre, John D.
Biography - McKowen, John
Biography - McDonald, Robt. 
Biography – McFadden, William A.
Biography – McMorris, R. H.
Biography – Medicis, Martin A.
Biography – Miller, Christian
Biography – Mitchell, J. D.
Biography - Montgomery, Sam
Biography - Moore, Thomas Overton
Biography – Moreau, Peter
Biography – Morgan, Morgan
Biography - Morris, Mrs. J. P.
Biography – Morze, James
Biography - Mouton, Alfred
Biography - Murphy, Elias
Drawer 3

Biography - Nash, James Monroe
Biography - Neal, Hamilton M.
Biography – Nesbit, John R.
Biography – Newman, Ernest
Biography - Nicholetts, Gilbert
Biography - Nicholls, Francis 
Biography - Nicholson, J. W.
Biography - Nickerson, James W.
Biography - Nixon, James O.
Biography – O’Brien, Michael
Biography – O’Conner, James
Biography – O’Keefe, Patrick
Biography – Olinde, Michel
Biography - Osborn, R. E.
Biography – Owens, R. A.
Biography - Packwood, G. H.
Biography – Pansano, Antoine
Biography - Paris, Oliver P.
Biography – Pearson, Thomas K.
Biography – Peebles, Littleton W.
Biography - Penn, Davidson B.
Biography – Penn, Patrick
Biography - Perkins, James A.
Biography - Perrin, Jules
Biography – Perrin, Solomon Clark
Biography – Peyton, James
Biography – Philippe, Alcie
Biography – Philippe, Arthur
Biography - Phillips, Allison M
Biography - Phillips, Joseph
Biography - Pinkard, John G.
Biography - Pittman, Enoch
Biography – Pogue, J. W.
Biography - Polignac, Camille
Biography - Polk, Leonidas
Biography - Pond, Preston
Biography - Pope, Nathaniel W.
Biography – Pourceau, Emile
Biography – Pourceau, Gustave
Biography – Pourceau, Lucien
Biography – Pourciau, Auguste
Biography - Powers, Frank
Biography - Prados, Louis
Biography – Pray, Rufus Lewis
Biography – Pray, Washington Daniel
Biography - Preusch, George F.
Biography - Price, James
Biography - Quantrill, William
Biography - Randle, Rev. Robt.
Biography - Ratliff, William Q.
Biography - Raxsdale, F. M.
Biography - Reames, Lawson T.
Biography – Reily, Albert G.
Biography – Richard, Fergus
Biography - Richardson, Seale Howard
Biography – Rivas, Frank
Biography - Robbins, William J.
Biography - Roberts, Levy
Biography - Roberson, Levi B.
Biography – Robique, Gustave
Biography - Roshto, Henry
Biography - Ruggles, Daniel
Biography - Saizan, Louis
Biography – Saizan, Ovide
Biography - Scott, Henry Montague
Biography - Scott, John D.
Biography - Scott, John S.
Biography - Scott, Robert H.
Biography - Seaman, John C.
Biography - Semmes, A. J.
Biography – Semmes, Raphael
Biography - Shamblin, James
Biography - Shanks, Samuel B.
Biography - Sherburne, H. N.
Biography - Sherman, W. T.
Biography - Shy, Col. Wm. M.
Biography – Simmons, Columbus W.
Biography - Simms, Benjamin F.
Biography - Simon, Jacob
Biography – Singletary, Alfred
Biography – Smith, Charles F.
Biography – Smith, Phylyau
Biography - St. Romain, Octave
Biography - St. Romain, Pierre
Biography – Stanfill, W. A.
Biography – Stewart, Charles C.
Biography – Stewart, Fleming
Biography – Stoddard, George Martin
Biography – Strong, William A.
Biography – Stubblefield, George
Biography - Sulakowski, Valery
Biography – Talley, John
Biography - Talton, Cullen Clark
Biography - Talton, Henry\
Biography - Tate, Wilson
Biography - Taylor, Grant Rice
Biography - Taylor, John M.
Biography - Taylor, Richard
Biography – Templet, Charles G.
Biography - Terry, Thomas M.
Biography - Thibodeaux, Adonis
Biography – Thibodeaux, Dorestant
Biography – Thomas, W. H.
Biography – Thompson, Edward
Biography - Thompson, Sandra
Biography – Threeton, John
Biography - Tichenor, George
Biography - Todd, George R C 
Biography – Town, William M.
Biography – Turner, Henry F.
Biography – Turner, John
Biography - Turner, W. J.
Biography – Various
Biography – Vaughan, Robert S.
Biography - Verburg, A. G.
Biography – Vickers, James Hardy
Biography – Wall, Elijah John
Biography – Wallace, James
Biography - Waggaman, Eugene
Biography - Warren, Daniel R.
Biography – Weatherby, William O.
Biography – West, Joseph
Biography - Westbrook, A. E.
Biography - Whatley, Elisha
Biography - Whatley, Enoch
Biography - Whatley, Enoch H.
Biography - Whatley, Uriah V.
Biography – Wheat, Chatham R.
Biography – White, A. L.
Biography – White, Malachi
Biography – White, Robert
Biography – Wiggins, J. Washington
Biography - Willey, Lewis
Biography – Williams, J. B.
Biography – Williams, W. A.
Biography – Williams, Z.E.P.
Biography – Willis, Daniel H.
Biography - Wingfield, Jas. H.
Biography – Womack, William R.
Biography - Wren, George L.P.
Biography - Young, John H.
Biography – Zachary, William D.
Biography – Zerr, George M.
Biography - Zylks, Abraham
Biography - Zylks, Thomas

Drawer 4

Camp Moore - 1st Miss. Choctaw Battalion
Camp Moore – 1967 Address
Camp Moore - Acts of Legislature
Camp Moore - Address by Erbon Wise
Camp Moore - Arkansas Troops
Camp Moore - Article
Camp Moore - Board of Commissioners
Camp Moore – Brochures
Camp Moore – Camp Moore News
Camp Moore - Cemetery
Camp Moore - Cemetery Account
Camp Moore - Cemetery Dedication
Camp Moore - Conservancy
Camp Moore - Conveyance
Camp Moore - Curator - Misc. Papers
Camp Moore - Deaths
Camp Moore - Dumenteil, Felix - Cmdr.
Camp Moore - Eble Paper
Camp Moore – Electric Map
Camp Moore – Flag
Camp Moore – Flagpole Dedication - 2001
Camp Moore - Hampton Paper
Camp Moore - Headstone Dedication - 2001
Camp Moore - Highway Marker
Camp Moore - History
Camp Moore – Hospital
Camp Moore – Inventory of Artifacts
Camp Moore – James Rice
Camp Moore - Legislative Appropriation
Camp Moore – Lithograph
Camp Moore – Log Cabin
Camp Moore - Logging
Camp Moore – Minutes of Cemetery Board
Camp Moore - Museum Dedication
Camp Moore - National Historic Site
Camp Moore - News clips
Camp Moore - News clips
Camp Moore – News Clips
Camp Moore - Official Records
Camp Moore - Old newspaper articles
Camp Moore - Original Dedication
Camp Moore – Persac Sketch
Camp Moore - Photos
Camp Moore - Photos
Camp Moore - Photos
Camp Moore – Photos
Camp Moore – Photos Aerial, 2001
Camp Moore – Postcards
Camp Moore - Reopening
Camp Moore – Sculpture
Camp Moore – State Commem. Area
Camp Moore - Timeline
Camp Moore - Various
Camp Moore - "Visit to a Rebel Camp”
Diary - 19th Iowa Infantry
Diary - Baker, John W.
Diary - Botsford, Wesley H.
Diary – Dixon, William Y.
Diary – Dunham, Levi Nathan
Diary - Ellis, E. J.
Diary - Eyrich, R. G.
Diary – Fisher, Theodore D.
Diary - Fogleman, Isaiah
Diary - Fuller, John
Diary - Hart, Alexander
Diary - LeBoeuf, Elphege
Diary - Nesom, Abe
Diary - Phillips, Eugenia L.
Diary - Sanders, J. Y.
Diary - Sere, Emile
Diary – Snyder H. A.
Diary - Solomon, Clara E.
Diary - Tucker, Wm. H.
Diary - Wren, George L. P.
Diary - Zimmerman, Wm. E.
Document - Camp Moore Expenditures
Document - Certificate of Enrollment
Document - Confederate Auditor's Warrants - 
10 pieces
Document - Envelope -7th La.
Document - Gen. Orders No. 13
Document - Gen. Orders No. 9
Document - Louisiana Military Order
Document - Officer commission
Document - Newspaper - La. Secession
Document - Postal Cover La.
Document - Quartermaster Requisitions
Document - Report of Military Board
Document - Telegram from Maurice Grivot
Document - United Confederate Veterans
Family - Amacker
Family – Crawford
Family - Deane
Family - Dunn
Family - Easley
Family - Fenn
Family - Gordon
Family - Hutchinson
Family - Kent
Family - Lee
Family – Magee
Family - Marshall/Meuillon
Family - Reames
Family - Ricks
Family – Spring
Family - Varnado
Family - Waller
Family - Warren
Family - Whatley

Drawer 5

Battlefield - Atchafalaya
Battlefield - Baton Rouge
Battlefield – Battery Bienvenu
Battlefield - Bayou Alabama
Battlefield - Bayou Boeuf
Battlefield - Bayou Bonfouca
Battlefield – Bayou Bourbeux
Battlefield - Bayou des Allemands
Battlefield - Bayou Carrion Crow
Battlefield – Bayou Teche Spring 1863
Battlefield - Bayou Teche Fall 1863
Battlefield - Butte-a-la-Rose
Battlefield – Calcasieu Pass
Battlefield – Camp Parapet
Battlefield - Clinton
Battlefield - Donaldsonville
Battlefield - Florida Parishes
Battlefield – Fort Beauregard
Battlefield – Fort Bisland
Battlefield – Fort Butler
Battlefield - Fort DeRussy
Battlefield - Fort Donelson
Battlefield - Fort Jackson
Battlefield - Fort Livingston
Battlefield – Fort Macomb
Battlefield - Fort Pike
Battlefield - Harrisonburg
Battlefield - Jackson, LA
Battlefield – Koch’s Plantation
Battlefield – Irish Bend
Battlefield - Labadieville
Battlefield - Lafourche Crossing
Battlefield - Lake Providence
Battlefield - Lake St. Joseph
Battlefield - Lake Verrett
Battlefield - Mansfield
Battlefield - Mansura
Battlefield - Milliken's Bend
Battlefield - Monett's Bluff
Battlefield - Morganza
Battlefield – New Orleans
Battlefield - Niblett's Bluff
Battlefield – Norwood’s Plantation
Battlefield - Olive Branch
Battlefield – Pleasant Hill
Battlefield - Ponchatoula
Battlefield - Port Hudson
Battlefield - Red River
Battlefield - Sabine Pass
Battlefield - St. Emma's Plantation
Battlefield - Stirling's Plantation 
Battlefield - Vermillion Bayou
Battlefield - Yellow Bayou

Drawer 6

Unit History – 1st La. Hvy. Artillery
Unit History – 2nd Bttn. Hvy. Artillery 
Unit History – 8th Bttn. Hvy. Artillery
Unit History – 12th Bttn. Hvy. Artillery
Unit History – Pointe Coupee Artillery
Unit History – Washington Artillery
Unit History – St. Mary’s Cannoneers
Unit History – 1st Regular Battery
Unit History - Barlow's Battery
Unit History – Boone’s Battery
Unit History – Benton/Bell Battery
Unit History - Bridges' Battery
Unit History - Crescent Artillery
Unit History – 4th La. Battery
Unit History – Pelican Artillery
Unit History – Grosse Tete Flying Artillery
Unit History – Donaldsonville Artillery
Unit History – Faries Battery
Unit History – Fenner’s Battery
Unit History - Holmes' Battery
Unit History - King's Battery
Unit History – Louisiana Guard Battery
Unit History – Madison Light Artillery
Unit History - Moody's Battery
Unit History – Orleans Guard Battery
Unit History – Watson’s Battery
Unit History – 1st La. Cavalry
Unit History – 2nd La. Cavalry
Unit History – Harrison’s 3rd La. Cavalry
Unit History – Pargoud’s 3rd La. Cavalry
Unit History – Wingfield’s 3rd La. Cavalry
Unit History – 4th La. Cavalry
Unit History – 5th La. Cavalry
Unit History – 6th La.Cavalry
Unit History – 7th La. Cavalry
Unit History – 8th La. Cavalry
Unit History – Gober’s Mounted Infantry
Unit History – Ogden’s Bttn. Louisiana Cavalry
Unit History – Power’s Cavalry
Unit History – 1st State Guards Bttn. La.Cavalry
Unit History – 1st Trans Miss. Bttn. La. Cavalry
Unit History – 9th Bttn. La. Partisan Rangers
Unit History - 10th Bttn. La. Cavalry
Unit History - 11th Bttn. La. Cavalry
Unit History – 13th Bttn. La. Partisan Rangers
Unit History – 15th Bttn. La. Cavalry
Unit History – 18th Bttn. La. Cavalry
Unit History - Bayliss' Battalion
Unit History - Breazeale's Battalion Partisans
Unit History - Caddo Light Horse Cavalry
Unit History - Grivot Rangers
Unit History - McWater's Rangers
Unit History - Red River Rangers
Unit History - Red River Scouts
Unit History - Vinson's Scouts
Unit History – 1st La. Infantry (Strawbridge’s)
Unit History – 1st La. Infantry (Nelligan’s)
Unit History - 2nd La. Infantry
Unit History – 3rd La. Infantry
Unit History - 4th La. Infantry
Unit History - 5th La. Infantry

Drawer 7

Unit History - 6th La. Infantry
Unit History - 7th La. Infantry
Unit History - 8th La. Infantry
Unit History - 9th La. Infantry
Unit History - 10th La. Infantry
Unit History - 11th La. Infantry
Unit History - 12th La. Infantry
Unit History - 13th La. Infantry
Unit History - 14th La. Infantry
Unit History - 15th La. Infantry
Unit History - 16th La. Infantry
Unit History - 17th La. Infantry
Unit History - 18th La. Infantry
Unit History - 19th La. Infantry
Unit History - 20th La. Infantry 
Unit History - 21st La. Inf. (McCown)
Unit History - 21st La. Inf. (Patton’s)
Unit History - 22nd La. Infantry
Unit History - 23rd La. Infantry
Unit History – Crescent Regiment
Unit History - 25th La. Infantry 
Unit History - 26th La. Infantry
Unit History - 27th La. Infantry
Unit History – 28th La. Inf. (Gray’s)
Unit History – 28th La. Inf. (Thomas’)
Unit History - 30th La. Infantry
Unit History - 31st La. Infantry
Unit History – Miles Louisiana Legion
Unit History – 1st Bttn. La. Infantry (Dreux’s)
Unit History – 1st Spec. Bttn. La. Inf (Wheat's)
Unit History – 1st State Bttn. Louisiana Infantry 
Unit History – 1st Zouave Bttn. (Coppens)
Unit History – 2nd Spec. Bttn. La. Inf. 
Unit History – 2nd Zouave Bttn.
Unit History – 4th Bttn. La. Inf.
Unit History – 6th Bttn. La. Inf.
Unit History – 7th Bttn. La. Inf.
Unit History – 9th Bttn. La. Inf.
Unit History – 10th Bttn. La. Inf.
Unit History - 11th Bttn. La. Inf.
Unit History – 12th Bttn. La. Inf.
Unit History – 13th Bttn. La. Inf.
Unit History – 14th Bttn. La. Inf.
Unit History – 15th Bttn. La. Inf.
Unit History – Beauregard Regt., La. Militia
Unit History – Chasseurs-a-Pied, La. Militia
Unit History - Confederate Guards Response
Unit History – Continental Regt., La. Militia
Unit History – Leed’s Guards, La. Militia
Unit History – Sumter Regiment, La. Militia
Unit History - 1st La. State Infy Battalion
Unit History - 2nd La. State Infantry Battalion
Unit History - Hay's / Taylor's Brigade
Unit History - Nicholls' Brigade
Unit History - Adams' / Gibson's Brigade
Unit History - Power's Cavalry
Unit History - Louisiana
Unit History - CS Marines
Unit History – CS Navy
Unit History – 3rd Florida Infantry
Unit History - Walker's Texas Division (1875)
Unit History – 1st Vermont Light Artillery
Unit History – 19th Army Corps
Unit History – 42nd Massachusetts Infantry
Unit History - 75th New York Infantry
Unit History - 114th New York Infantry
Unit History – 162nd New York Infantry
Drawer 8

Newspaper - Hammond Star Newspaper -     Newspaper - Hammond Vindicator
Newspaper - Kentwood Ledger
Newspaper - Mississipian Apr 17, 1835
Newspaper - Sunday Advocate
Newspaper - Times - Picayune - Camp Moore
Letters - _____, Warren
Letters - Allen, H. W.
Letters - Alspaugh, Granville L.
Letters - Anselm, Amos K.
Letters - Austen, John D.
Letters - Beall, William Thomas
Letters - Bellow, Thomas
Letters - Bolton, G. W.
Letters - Blue, Daniel
Letters - Breland, J. P.
Letters - Brumfield,Daniel E.
Letters - Butler, Edward G.
Letters - Camp Moore May 28, 1861
Letters - Cannon, Joseph A.
Letters - Capture of Baton Rouge May 1862
Letters - Childress, Hugh M.
Letters - Comes, Charles
Letters - Cowen, S. A.
Letters - Crawford, J. M.
Letters – Culbertson, Washington Lafayette
Letters – Dea, John S.
Letters - DeBlanc, Alcibiades
Letters - Dumentiel, Felix
Letters - Eady, Franklin
Letters - Ellis, Ezekiel John
Letters - Fendlason, Dan'l
Letters - Flores, Hosea
Letters - Geren, John F.
Letters - Gibson, Drury P.
Letters - Going, Amasa Vernon
Letters – Guidry, Eraste
Letters - Hall, Isaac
Letters - Hall, John E.
Letters - Hall, T. W.
Letters – Hall, W. T.
Letters - Harp, D. C.
Letters - Harp, T. Y.
Letters - Harper, William P.
Letters - Harris, John Achille
Letters - Harris, Joseph A.
Letters - Jackman, John S.
Letters - Jackson, R. Starke
Letters - John to Sara
Letters - Johnson, C. J.
Letters - Kelly, Henry B.
Letters - Kemp, Isaac
Letters - Kennedy, William
Letters - Knight, J. C.
Letters - Kursheedt, Edwin I.
Letters - LeBoeuf, E.
Letters – Lea, George S.
Letters - Lee, E. Jefferson
Letters – Lupo, Alexander
Letters - Luria, Abraham
Letters - Marler, John T.
Letters - Martin, Whitmell
Letters - McCollum, Duncan
Letters - McMichael, ___
Letters - Monroe, J. A.
Letters - Morgan, J. E.
Letters - Nesom, Abraham
Letters - Newell, Andrew
Letters - Nicholls, Lawrence
Letters - Oliver, R. A.
Letters - Paxton, W. E.
Letters - Pierson, Reubin A.
Letters - Pitman, J. S.
Letters - Porter, J. P.
Letters - Richardson, Frank L.
Letters - Rippy, F.M.
Letters – Sanders, Jared Y.
Letters - Seton, Edward A.
Letters - Shipp, C. W.
Letters - Skipwith, Tho. W.
Letters - Smith, Henry
Letters - Smulders, Egidius
Letters - Stephens, Edmond L.
Letters - Taber, Fred. R.
Letters - Taylor, R. S.
Letters - TX volunteers
Letters - Thompson, J. A.
Letters – Walls, Milton
Letters - White, Silas
Letters - Williams, J. W.
Letters - Williams, Marguer.
Letters - Wimberly, T. H.
Letters – Wren, George L. P.
Memoirs - A. R. Gibbons
Tales from Tangipahoa 3-16-78
Reenactors - 2nd Texas

Drawer 9

Adams & Co., R. W.
Amite, LA
Amnesty Oath
Appeal for Widows and 
Arcola, LA
Artifact - Autograph book
Artifact - Lincoln Vase
Artifact - Picture / S. Brown
Artifact - Port Hudson lamp
Baton Rouge
Baton Rouge Arsenal
Battle of Liberty Place
Burials – Generals in Louisiana
Burials – Louisiana Colonels
Burials - Tangipahoa Parish
Burials - Tishomingo, Co. Miss
Burials - Vernon Parish
Camp Nicholls Soldier’s Home
Camp Pulaski
Cemeteries, Louisiana
Cemetery - Alton, IL
Cemetery – Girod Street (NO)
Cemetery – Magnolia (BR)
Cemetery – Ole Miss University
Children of the Confederacy
Civilian Contributions
Civil War - Chronology
Civil War - Miscellaneous
Civil War - Newspaper
Civil War Times Illustrated
Claiborne Parish, LA
Clinton, LA
Clinton Confederate Cemetery
Confederate Flag
Confederate Memorial
Confederate Memorial Hall
Confederate Veteran -1907
CSS Arkansas – Ironclad
CSS Atlanta - Ironclad
CSS Cambridge
CSS Cotton - Ram
CSS Louisiana - Ironclad
CSS Hunley – Submarine
CSS Livingston - Gunboat
CSS McRae - Gunboat
CSS Manassas - Ram
CSS Mississippi - Ironclad
CSS Queen of the West
CSS Virginia
Cyclorama - Atlanta, GA
Death Notices - Ponchatoula
Flag - Louisiana Republic
Flags - Miscellaneous
Florida - Olustee
Genealogy - Miscellaneous
Gettysburg - Louisiana
Hermann-Grimma House
Highway Markers – La.
Illinois Living History Assoc.
Jackson Railroad
Jefferson Davis Highway
Johnson, Bushrod - 
Lee Circle - New Orleans
Lewiston, LA
Lincoln - Assassination

Drawer 10

Louisiana Dead – Centerville, VA
Louisiana – Miscellaneous
Louisiana State Museum
LSU - Building Names
Maps - Louisiana
Maps – Mississippi
Maps – National Archives
Folder 1 – Maps 1-10
001 – Chalmette Defense Lines
002 – Port Hudson, Jan. 1864
003 – Defenses below Vicksburg
004 – Country around Alexandria, LA
005 – Plan of Ft. Morgan, AL
006 – Plan of Ft. Morgan, AL
007 – Port Hudson Area
008 – Map of Bayou Lafourche 
009 – Map of Bayou Lafourche
010 – Map of Bayou Lafourche
  Folder 2 – Maps 11-20  
011 – Map of Port Hudson 1864
012 – Map of Port Hudson
013 – Map of Port Hudson 1863
014 – Plan of Fort Livingston, LA – 1844
015 – Plan of Ft. Morgan, AL – 1863
016 – State of La. – 1863
017 – Baton Rouge to Port Hudson – 3/14/1863
018 – Defenses of Port Hudson
019 – Map of Baton Rouge
020 – Port Hudson July 1864
  Folder 3, Maps 21-30
021 – Map of Bayou Goula
022 – Map of Red River
023 – E. La. & SW Miss. Aug. 1864
024 – Map of Baton Rouge Aug. 5, 1862
025 – Map of Vicksburg Defenses
026 – Details of Ft. Livingston
027 – Map of Baton Rouge
028 – Map of Baton Rouge
029 – Defenses of Ft. Morgan, AL Aug. 1864
030 – Map of Lower Teche Region
  Folder 4, Maps 31-40
031 – Atchafalaya Basin, Feb. 8, 1863
032 – Sketch of limits of fire at Ft. Jackson & Ft. St. Phillip, LA
033 – Map of Baton Rouge Arsenal
034 – Grand Terre Island, LA Nov. 1843
035 – Map of Vicksburg Defenses
036 – Map of Vicksburg Defenses
037 – Sketch of Ft. Livingston & vicinity
038 – Sketch of Pentagon Barracks in B.R.
039 – Map of Ft. Gaines, AL
040 – Map of Ft. Butler area
  Folder 4, Maps 41-44
041 – Map of Vicksburg Defenses
042 – Baton Rouge to Port Hudson
043 – Layout of Ft. Morgan, AL
044 – Dauphin Island, AL
Military Order of Stars & Bars
Mobile, Alabama
Money – Confederate
Monument - Baton Rouge
Museums - Miscellaneous
National Archives - Research
National Guard – Louisiana
Nebula Plantation
North Carolina
Ordnance of Secession
Photographs – Miscellaneous
Pickwick Club of New 
Pointe Coupee Parish
Ponchatoula, LA
Ponchatoula, LA
Postcards - Miscellaneous
Prison - Fort Delaware
Prison - Johnson's Island
Prison - Johnson's Island List of La. Prisoners
Prison – Point Lookout, MD
Railroads – Louisiana
Railroads – New Orleans, Jackson 
                     & Great Northern RR
Railroads - Ponchatoula Wreck
Recipes - Unknown Vintage
Research - Florida parishes
Research - Jackson Barracks
Research - various
Richmond, Virginia
Roseland, LA
St. Helena Parish - sawmills
Seal – Confederate
Slocumb & Co., C. H. - 
Hardware & cutlery
SLU Symposium
Sons of Confederate Veterans
South Carolina
St. Tammany Parish, LA
Stone Mountain, GA
Tangipahoa Methodists
Tangipahoa Parish, LA
Tangipahoa Parish, LA
Tangipahoa Parish, LA
Tangipahoa Parish, LA
United Confederate Veterans
United Daughters of the 
US Civil War Center
U. S. Mint – New Orleans
USS Indianola
USS Monitor
West Baton Rouge Parish, LA
Widows, Confederate
Winter Quarters
Young Heroes & Heroines
Drawer 11

Roster – 1st La. Inf. (S)
Roster – 1st La. Inf. (N)
Roster - 2nd La. Inf.
Roster - 3rd La. Inf.
Roster - 4th La. Inf.
Roster - 4th Bttn. La. Inf.
Roster – 5th La. Inf.
Roster - 6th La. Inf.
Roster - 7th La. Inf.
Roster - 8th La. Inf.
Roster - 9th La. Inf.
Roster - 9th Bttn. La. Inf.
Roster - 10th La. Inf.
Roster –11th La. Inf.
Roster - 12th La. Inf.
Roster – 13th La. Inf.
Roster – 14th La. Inf.
Roster – 15th La. Inf.
Roster - 16th La. Inf.
Roster – 17th La. Inf.
Roster - 18th La. Inf.
Roster - 19th La. Inf.
Roster - 26th La. Inf.
Roster - 28th (T) La. Inf.
Roster - Wheat's Battalion
Roster – Dreux’s Battalion
Roster – Crescent Artillery, Co. A
Roster - Orleans Guard Battery
Roster - Pointe Coupee Artillery
Roster - Pointe Coupee Militia
Roster - Boone's Battery
Roster - Fenner's Battery
Roster - St. Mary's Cannoneers
Roster - Donaldsonville Arty.
Roster - Miles Legion
Roster - 1st La. Cavalry
Roster - 3rd (Wingfield's) La. Cavalry
Roster - 3rd (Harrison's) La. Cavalry
Roster – 7th La. Cavalry
Roster - 8th La. Cavalry
Roster - Ogden's Battalion
Roster - Co. C, 33rd MS Inf.
Roster - Forrest's Cavalry
Roster – Tensas Cavalry
Roster - La. Field Officers
Roster - Miss. Units
Roster – Burnet Guards (TX)
Battlefield – 1862 Valley Campaign
Battlefield – 1864 Valley Campaign
Battlefield - Appomattox
Battlefield - Arkansas Post
Battlefield - Atlanta
Battlefield - Ball's Bluff, VA
Battlefield - Brices Xroads
Battlefield – Bristoe Station
Battlefield - Champion Hill
Battlefield - Chancellorsville
Battlefield - Chattanooga
Battlefield - Chickamauga
Battlefield - Corinth
Battlefield - Cross Keys
Battlefield - Elkhorn Tavern (Pea Ridge)
Battlefield - Fort Donelson
Battlefield - Fort Fisher
Battlefield - Fort Henry
Battlefield - Fort McAllister
Battlefield - Fort McRee
Battlefield - Fort Morgan
Battlefield - Fort Moultrie
Battlefield - Fort Pickens
Battlefield - Fort Pulaski
Battlefield - Fort Sumter

Drawer 12

Battlefield - Franklin
Battlefield – Fredericksburg
Battlefield - Galveston, TX
Battlefield - Gettysburg
Battlefield - Grand Gulf
Battlefield - Harper's Ferry
Battlefield – Island No. 10
Battlefield - Iuka
Battlefield – Jonesboro, GA
Battlefield - Kennesaw Mtn.
Battlefield – Malvern Hill
Battlefield – Manassas (Bull Run)
Battlefield - Mine Run
Battlefield - Miscellaneous
Battlefield - Mobile Bay
Battlefield - Monocacy
Battlefield – Murfreesboro (Stones River)
Battlefield - Nashville
Battlefield - New Market
Battlefield - Oak Hills (Wilson’s Creek)
Battlefield – Peninsula
Battlefield - Perryville
Battlefield - Petersburg
Battlefield - Pittsburg Landing (Shiloh)
Battlefield - Port Gibson
Battlefield – Port Republic
Battlefield - Prairie Grove
Battlefield - Rappahannock Station
Battlefield – Richmond
Battlefield – Seven Days
Battlefield – Sharpsburg (Antietam)
Battlefield - Ship Island
Battlefield - Spottsylvania
Battlefield - Vicksburg
Battlefield – Wilderness
Battlefield - Winchester

Updated: 5 February 2012