Committed to telling the story of Louisiana during the war and the part taken by her sons 

Our Museum is open from Wednesday thru Saturday from 10:00 AM until 3:00 PM.   We are closed for all National Holidays.and close from Thanksgiving through the end of the year. 

The grounds at Camp Moore are open 7 days a week from daylight to dusk for pedestrians.  You are welcome to walk the grounds and take our self-guided walking tour.  Please respect the grounds and leave them in the same condition you found them.
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Camp Moore Grounds
Today Camp Moore only comprises 6.5 acres of the original site of several hundred acres.  Within this tract is the two-acre cemetery and a museum that was built circa 1964.  The site is on the northernmost portion of the camp.  It is bounded on the south by what was the parade ground.  Further south of the parade ground is the original camping site. Also, bounded on the east of the cemetery is another camping site that was part of the original camp.  The rail lines are in their original position, as is Beaver Creek and the Tangipahoa River.
As you walk her grounds, it is easy to let the mind wander and you can almost hear the sounds of men marching, orders being barked and the rumble of horses moving across the fields. One can imagine the sounds around the campfire, the laughter, the telling of stories, the sound of the fiddle, banjo or harmonica. It is easy to visualize dozens of smoke streams so lazily lifting skyward from dew-covered ground on an early morning as the smell of coffee and bacon over open fires arouse still another sense. You might be able to picture a tent with friends comforting a sick and dying friend. Stopping under one of the large oaks, you might picture a young man writing a letter home to his wife or mother. Try to imagine a steam engine puffing to a halt and hundreds of young men disgorging from crowded flat cars and coaches to the cheers of thousands of their fellow Louisianans, cheering the new arrivals that would join them on their quest. 
Historical Marker on Hwy. 51 at the entrance to Camp Moore